Kitchen Coaching

Cookbook author and home chef Molly McCallum is passionate about teaching others to cook and building confidence in the kitchen. She offers personalized one-on-one coaching as well as group classes. The sessions are online, so you can learn in the comfort of your own kitchen.

The Nervous Novice

One who is just starting out and needs help with the most basic skills. The culinary world is a mystery, and they want someone to demystify it and set them up for success. 

The Capable but Bored Cook

One who knows their way around the kitchen but would like to expand their knowledge, learn new techniques, and get inspired to try new recipes.

The Hesitant Host

One who dreams of entertaining friends and family gatherings in their home but needs help with menu planning and how much food to prepare. 

The Aspiring Baker

One who would like to learn to make beautiful cakes, flaky pie crusts, and all kinds of delicious desserts.


Get started with a free 15-minute consultation to determine your specific needs and goals in the kitchen. 

One-hour sessions are $75. Molly will customize a plan and email it to you beforehand to maximize your time in the online session.

Learn more about the experience and knowledge Molly brings to the table in her story below. 

Information on group classes coming soon!


I worked in my family’s restaurant from ages 14 - 25. I began making my Grandma’s dinner rolls and eventually took on all of the bread and dessert baking. I also filled many shifts behind the kitchen line, where I learned the importance of prep work and how to make soups, sauces, and salad dressings. I also learned timing and techniques like sautéing, poaching, searing, emulsifying, flambéing, deglazing, etc. In the bakery, I learned to make all kinds of cakes, cheesecakes, chocolate mousse, pies, tarts, chocolate truffles, etc., and was in charge of planning how much to have on hand for the busy restaurant. 

In the decade or so that followed my restaurant years, my husband, Bob, and I had an online retail business in the Chicago area that left little time for adventures in the kitchen. My passion for food and cooking was sustained by my monthly subscriptions to Gourmet, Bon Appetit, and Food & Wine. I’m one of those weird souls that loves to read recipes (though I rarely follow them) and I read each magazine, cover to cover, for years, often on Sundays while Bob was watching golf or other sports. They kept me updated on the latest food trends and I learned about many different cuisines, continuing my education beyond what the Treehouse had taught me.

My interest in home cooking really took hold after my twin daughters were born in 2007. Determined to feed them the healthiest food possible, I puréed my babies’ fruits, vegetables, and meats in my food processor and cooked my toddlers a variety of wholesome meals. As they grew, I loved creating memories with my girls in the kitchen. They both still love to bake.

Because we had the littles in the family, our home in Bend became the destination for holiday gatherings and we hosted many dinners for our large extended family. We also loved having friends over in those days when staying in with our kids was so much easier than dining out! I learned how to plan lots of different menus that would appeal to the palates of kids and adults.

In 2011, my niece, Alicia, who lived with and nannied for us while the girls were babies, encouraged me to start my blog, It was a perfect platform to develop recipes and teach techniques through detailed instructions and photos. The skills I learned and honed over several years of recipe posting, along with all the previous experience mentioned, prepared me to write my cookbook, Living Legacy: Stories of a Restaurant Family, published in 2023.

I would be honored to have the opportunity to virtually step into your kitchen with you and find out what skills you’d like to work on and what recipes you’d like to learn to feel confident and inspired.